Rhinos 2 (2 of Set of 3) Rhinos 2 (2 of Set of 3) Affordable Art 50894
Zakkie Eloff - Rhinos 2 (2 of Set of 3) | Animals & Wildlife Art Original Art
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Zakkie Eloff - "Rhinos 2 (2 of Set of 3)"

"Rhinos 2 (2 of Set of 3)"

Rhinos 2 (2 of Set of 3)
Print - Silkscreen, US$ 65

Rhinos 2 (2 of Set of 3)

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Print - Silkscreen
A4 Hand Printed Silk Screen

W: 297mm x H: 210mm
W: 12" x H: 8"

This work is unframed


US$ 65


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About "Rhinos 2 (2 of Set of 3)"

Price for set of 3

The silkscreens were done by the artist Zakkie ELOFF. The silkscreens were hand printed by the master printer and artist chris spies. The silkscreen stencils were destroyed after the printing was completed.
The edition was printed on 160 gram Ducuza paper and numberd 1 to 120.
The proofs were printed on brown paper and numberd proof I and II.
The artist proofs were printed on brown packaging paper and numberd a/p I and a/p II.
ZAKKIE ELOFF lost the use of his hands before signing the silkscreens. He authenticated the silkscreens by stamping it with his studio stamp.
All three silkscreens in this portfolio are authentic: Hand printed in 1990 and stamped with the artist[0x1]s personal Z.Eloff studio stamp.

Zakkie Eloff

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View all 28 works by Zakkie Eloff

About Zakkie

Zacharias Eloff 1925 - 2004

Price Range

US$ 65-5,464


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