Still Life with Tin Trophy Buck Head Still Life with Tin Trophy Buck Head Affordable Art 115744
Tim Quirke - Still Life with Tin Trophy Buck Head | Still Life Art Painting
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Tim Quirke - "Still Life with Tin Trophy Buck Head"

"Still Life with Tin Trophy Buck Head"

Still Life with Tin Trophy Buck Head
Mixed Media, US$ 730

Still Life with Tin Trophy Buck Head

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Mixed Media
Charcoal pencil and gouache

W: 550mm x H: 700mm x D: 2mm
W: 22" x H: 28" x D:

Approx. Weight: 1kg

This work is unframed


US$ 730


Person Thumbnail

About "Still Life with Tin Trophy Buck Head"

I've sometimes enjoyed reworking still Life pictures I've made. This might mean overlaying an area with an imaginative element where the detail seems to stay predictable or a bit dreary.
I like using items I bought on the roadside in Johannesburg. They have an assertiveness that can only come from the underprivileged state of most of their creators. They also often have humour, and some gritty determination expressing the point of view of their makers. Some of these items are very patiently and creatively constructed. I like using them in still life work. (This buck's head 'trophy' was made from beads strung on a wire frame. The eyes are glass.)
This 'Still Life With A Tin Trophy 'is one. I've liked.
When replacing detail in the bottom right hand corner I discovered that a new green I worked in for the plant, worked off the green in the wallpaper more harmoniously. This gave me a sense of how the colour interaction became closer to a kind of metamorphosis.
Bringing up the wallpaper colour enhanced this, and for me, gave the tin trophy buck's head a more enigmatic presence.
There is a busy trade in hunting on some farms near here.
The dassie skull, (invented), and the cactus plant, take up more symbolic roles in the design.
The 'buck's head' was difficult to render. Charcoal pencil and gouache were used there, and in other areas.
This piece is unframed.

Tim Quirke

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About Tim

I love drawing. I'm inspired by a lot of contemporary, and traditional painting, graphic, and 3 dimensional work.

I like to work from life, but also use other references.

I work in oil, pastel, water colour and douche. I also like most dry media.

I do printmaking.

Price Range

US$ 730-1,140



I've exhibited in Kwa-Zulu Natal at the Tatham Gallery Pietermaritzburg, Market Theatre Johannesburg. I exhibited at The Aesthete Gallery Hamilton New Zealand for five years running,
I've exhibited in private venues in Johannesburg, Hout Bay, Pietermaritzburg.


Nat. Dip. Fine Art And Design.

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