Strolling along Strolling along Affordable Art 72823
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Riaan Vosloo - "Strolling along"

"Strolling along"

Strolling along
Acrylic, US$ 1,037

Strolling along

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W: 1500mm x H: 1000mm x D: 20mm
W: 59" x H: 39" x D: 1"

This work is unframed


US$ 1,037


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Riaan Vosloo

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View all 61 works by Riaan Vosloo

About Riaan

Riaan Vosloo


I say the things of our time in a personal language. My art engages the whole of my being: not just the intellect, but also the emotional, psychological and spiritual. It is important to get beyond mere painting: my painting is intuitive, involving the subconscious. A multiplicity of perspectives has given me a choice as to who I am. Spirituality allows us the possibility of transcending boundaries. The drama of disorderliness is juxtaposed with orderedness. The fragile and ephemeral qualities stimulate our vigilant attention; they incite us to love their uncertainty. My aim is a kind of art that makes sense out of life with visual sophistication and intellectual integrity.
It can safely be said that all good contemporary art refers in some way to 'the human condition'. While I do not set out deliberately to make profound statements about any specific aspect of this topic, the perceptive viewer should quickly realize that all my works, in some way, reflect the 'angst' connected with being human.
Also in keeping with contemporary trends I do not allow myself to become trapped in a single medium or discipline but moves freely between oil painting, watercolor painting, acrylic painting, mixed media drawing, mixed media painting, photography and digital art.
All my work could be seen as portraiture of some kind. Just as a superior portrait painter gives the viewer an almost voyeuristic insight into the nature of a person, my work instinctively strives to reveal something of the inner character or soft underbelly of humankind.
I am inspired by the challenge of creating something out of nothing, the unpredictability of the medium and the thrill of pushing and pulling the medium to make this happen.
My work offers me the freedom to be myself without social conditioning. In it, I search for something bigger and more meaningful than myself. In grappling with color, line, tone, textures and the complex sensations they evoke for me, I am always surprised as images begin to appear out of the pouring, scratching, drawing, a methodology I use based on gut instinct and passion. The layering of thought and possibility in my work blend a deep realization of spiritual evocations and physical existence, much of which is not on an articulate level, but operates with intuitive response.
The experience of one-ness with color is symphonic. The thrill of blending possibilities and creating new, kaleidoscopic ones is overwhelmingly exciting and addictive. Attaining the ineffable (occasionally and fleetingly in music or scent, in food or memories) is the ultimate experience. The realization that a work is complete is beyond verbal explanation, but the sense of closure and beauty calms an inner sensibility within me.

Riaan Vosloo, November 2006

Price Range

US$ 65-1,091



- 1994 – 1998, “Best of the Southern Cape”-exhibition, Strydom Gallery, George
- Took part in several group exhibitions, George (-1998)
- 1995, “4 Perspectives” exhibition, Art-B Gallery, Bellville
- 2000, “The Container” exhibition, Rust-en-Vrede Gallery Durbanville
- 2000, Group exhibition, Durbanville Hills Cellars
- 2000, “Miniatures” exhibition, Art-B Gallery, Bellville
- 2001, Donated a work for the Kidsafe Art Project
- 2002, “Krisp” exhibition, Art-B Gallery, Bellville
- 2002, “Koester/Cherish” exhibition, Rust-en-Vrede Art Gallery, Durbanville
- 2002,“Berg/Mountain” exhibition, Art-B Gallery, Bellville
- 2002, Cape Town City Council bought work for their art collection
- 2002, “Vuleka” Sanlam Art exhibition, Art-B Gallery, Bellville
- 2002,Nedcor sponsored my exhibition at Cine Nouveau, Cavendish Square
- 2002, Donated a work for The Bears (“Bere”), Aids Fundraising Exhibition
- 2002/3, “Salon exhibition“, Rust-en-Vrede Art Gallery Durbanville
- 2003,“Peep Show” exhibition, Gallery 38 Special, Cape Town
- 2003,“Puzzle” exhibition, Rust-en-Vrede Art Gallery, Durbanville
- 2003, “Homework” exhibition (Cape College Staff exhibition)The Castle, Cape Town
- 2003, “Selfportaits” exhibition, Rust-en-Vrede Gallery Durbanville
- 2006, “O’ Lyf”, photography exhibition for the olive festival, Riebeeck Kasteel,South Africa
- 2006, “Short Conversations”, solo exhibition, Gerard Cloete Gallery, Cape Town
- 2006, “Seven Deadly Sins” exhibition, Rust-en-Vrede Art Gallery, Durbanville
- 2006, “Portaits” exhibition, Association for Visual Arts, Cape Town
- 2006, “HOMEtalk”, solo exhibition, Gerard Cloete Gallery, Cape Town
- 2006, “ARTwords” exhibition, Rust-en-Vrede Art Gallery,Durbanville


National Diploma Fine Art Painting, PE Technikon, Port Elizabeth

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