Sunflowers Bouquet in Vase Still Life Sunflowers Bouquet in Vase Still Life Affordable Art 113250
Natalia Oelofse - Sunflowers Bouquet in Vase Still Life | Still Life Modern Art
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Natalia Oelofse - "Sunflowers Bouquet in Vase Still Life"

"Sunflowers Bouquet in Vase Still Life"

Sunflowers Bouquet in Vase Still Life
Oil on Canvas, US$ 228

Sunflowers Bouquet in Vase Still Life

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Oil on Canvas
oil painting on primed canvas

W: 220mm x H: 270mm x D: 20mm
W: 9" x H: 11" x D: 1"

Approx. Weight: 0.4kg

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 228


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About "Sunflowers Bouquet in Vase Still Life"

Pumpkins and Sunflowers stilllife

Farm produce into still life
5 x 7 inch only painting
Frame and enjoy 9 x 11 inch white frame

Natalia Oelofse

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View all 16 works by Natalia Oelofse

About Natalia

Natalia Oelofse

In gallery you will find variety of original paintings - Flowers, Seascape, Still Life, Landscape, animals or birds Oil Paintings on canvas and primed gesso board.
I love paint from real life and inspiration come as close as apple, our garden and far as ocean and mountains

Price Range

US$ 81-3,368



Local and online art shows


Russian school of art, American OPA

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