The Divine Ark The Divine Ark Affordable Art 21709
Abe Parker - The Divine Ark | Spiritual Art Original Art
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Abe Parker - "The Divine Ark"

"The Divine Ark"

The Divine Ark
Mixed Media, US$ 411

The Divine Ark

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Mixed Media

W: 350mm x H: 500mm
W: 14" x H: 20"

Approx. Weight: 0.5kg

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 411


Person Thumbnail



About "The Divine Ark"

(oil on canvas)

The painting "Divine Ark of Love" reminds us that we live in God's World s a nd that we all have our own purpose and mission in life.

Sometimes we are being misled by an illusion that we've been left alone. But it is not so, indeed! The miraculous Divine Ark on this picture reminds us that we have been created in the bosom of the Ark of Divine Love.
The green sail on this picture represents us, and our life on this Earth. Green is the colour of Hope. This picture revives in us a strong feeling of hope and, in fact, every person always DOES hope, whether he realizes it or it happens subconsciously.
The biggest blessing and happiness for any of us – to understand during our lifetime, that we are being carried by the Ark of Divine Love.
This picture is awakening and strengthens our confidence that we are never alone. We have never been left alone. And we can turn mountains; we can achieve anything – we must just harness our efforts and steadily move towards our goal! The Ark on the picture sails towards the sky - which resembles our life – from lower towards high er level s of spirituality and Divine Consciousness.

Abe Parker

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About Abe

Abe Parker

I am representing of abstract, healing and spiritual artwork of M.Skrebtsova

Price Range

US$ 95-912


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