The Subtleties of Serpents and Shame The Subtleties of Serpents and Shame Affordable Art 103709
Rene du Toit - The Subtleties of Serpents and Shame | Contemporary Art
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Rene du Toit - "The Subtleties of Serpents and Shame"

"The Subtleties of Serpents and Shame"

The Subtleties of Serpents and Shame
Oil on Board, US$ 774

The Subtleties of Serpents and Shame

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Oil on Board
oil paint on canvas board

W: 625mm x H: 520mm x D: 5mm
W: 25" x H: 20" x D:

Approx. Weight: 0.5kg

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 774


Person Thumbnail

About "The Subtleties of Serpents and Shame"

I painted this almost instinctively, without a clear idea or intent, of it having any meaning or message. Looking back now, I see that it was inadvertently the first step of an unexpected, painful journey that lay ahead of me.
The imagery of snakes and dragons often symbolizes hidden truths, danger or even transformation. Often a dual expression of opposites: good vs bad, harming vs healing, lurking evil vs awakening or spiritual growth, danger or death vs initiation or rebirth, a shift in consciousness...
Still unaware but with a niggling, growing suspicion; messages from the subconscious, in the form of forgotten memories and dreams, of an unknown fear, a seemingly unfounded anxiety, an intuitive warning about something elusive, indefinable or deceptive (of swirling patterns and veils that utterly confuse...) and an obscured slyness, a deviousness that is so misleading it might be easily overlooked, ignored, or even brushed aside.
But then, with a slow rising awareness, a different reality is revealed. You open your eyes... wake up. "Conquer the dragon before it conquers you.

Rene du Toit

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About Rene

Rene du Toit

Born and still living in South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal. Matriculated High School in 1991, then Studied Clothing Design and Fine Arts at Technikon Natal, in Durban. Apprenticed at Michael Guassardo Pottery, a small studio on the South Coast for a year. Worked and traveled in England and Europe for a couple of years. I loved art from a young age, and just kept on honing my skills. I especially love painting people/portraits...
Some of my favorite artists are; Tertia du Toit, Nina vd Westhuizen, Neil Rodger, Kerry Evans, James Mooney, Helena Hugo, Deborah Poynton, Zerk de Villiers, Seth Garland, Gail Potocki & Sheridan Duffy...

Price Range

US$ 62-774



2013 SPI National Portrait Award top 40 touring exhibition.
2015 'Not a portrait' Sanlam portrait award 2013 top 40 exhibition, Rust-en-Vrede Gallery, Durbanville.


Nat. diploma; Clothing design -Technikon Natal

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