Thornbush in Spring Thornbush in Spring Affordable Art 82176
Brian Hammond - Thornbush in Spring | Landscape Art Art Painting
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Brian Hammond - "Thornbush in Spring"

"Thornbush in Spring"

Thornbush in Spring
Oil on Board, US$ 528

Thornbush in Spring

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Oil on Board

W: 900mm x H: 600mm x D: 10mm
W: 35" x H: 24" x D:

Approx. Weight: 2.8kg

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 528


Person Thumbnail


118 Sept 2015

About "Thornbush in Spring"

The calmness of the winding road leading to a place away from the hustle and bustle of city activity and noise. The expectation of a new day dawning with new life springing into being on the old branches. The sparkle of reflected sun peeping through the leaves,leaving a shimmer of light for the onlooker to inspect.

Brian Hammond

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View all 115 works by Brian Hammond

About Brian

Brian Hammond

A former matriculate from Potchefstroom Boys High: Meet Brian de Villiers Hammond A versatile guy. His dad was chief surveyor at Stilfontein mine, so from the start his life took an interesting line! Brian studied farming, and in this profession, he traipsed from Viljoenskroon to Vryburg to the Eastern Cape! But even before this, his painting made a start old friend Ken McMillan helped guide him in part. Painting in oils is his preferred desire: creating landscapes, expanses, and skies on fire! Play of light at twilight and dusk expands the flow of emotion from the brush in Brian's hand. Brian feels what he paints, and his chief inspiration is the beauty and magnificence of God's creation. So take your time and browse through his art and you'll connect with the passion in Brain's very heart!
I am inspired by God's perfect Palette.

Price Range

US$ 67-902



Port Rex Lions
Anne Bryant art gallery in East London
Coach House, East London - "one-man"
The Workshop, Bathurst
Rosehill art gallery, Port Alfred
Stellenbosch - kuns gallery
Franschhoek - Le gallery
Grahamstown art Festival
East London - Dr Cook eye center
Bathurst - Fig and Daisy
Port Alfred - Takara


Agricultural Diploma - Potchefstroom

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