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Stained Glass and Copper Wire
W: 355mm x H: 390mm x D: 5mm
W: 14" x H: 15" x D:
Approx. Weight: 1kg
This work is
US$ 456
About "Thunderstorm"
Rain is always a great inspiration for me . So clean and pure , it can only be good for everyone .
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View all 14 works by Daniel de Klerk
About Daniel
PLEASE COMMENT ON MY WORK BY SENDING ME AN EMAIL ! PRETTY PLEASE ?? I love to do the traditional stained glass windows and door panels with lead came , but to make a living I had to diversify by doing smaller stained glass items . Large commissions and even smaller overseas orders can take up a lot of my time but I still try to make a few small boxes , frames or suncatchers every week . I do all my own designs and all the work that are for sale here were made without a pattern , thus it is unique and once-off artwork . Most of the glass used are really special pieces that I select by hand and it will be almost impossible to get the exact same piece of glass again . This artwork can be put outside in the garden or in the most luxurious setting inside and it will be equally stunning . Sun, rain or wind cannot damage or fade this artwork . You can even put it in the oven , but I would not recommend switching it on as the solder can melt and your artwork will be reduced to a few pieces of loose glass . Currently I am working on a series of wall hangings titled Essential Nature , but how many in the series only time will tell . Watch this space !
Price Range
US$ 78-526
Permanent exhibition at my studio in Wellington , but only by appointment please . I also do most of the larger festivals in South Africa but usually the stock is limited to gifts and maybe a few frames and lamps . The really expensive wall hangings , lamps and frames are displayed only by invitation to discourage the copying of my art by exploiting fortune seekers .
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