Tribal Mask Tribal Mask Affordable Art 56725
John Stander - Tribal Mask | Tribal Art Modern Art
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John Stander - "Tribal Mask"

"Tribal Mask"

Tribal Mask
Mixed Media, US$ 454

Tribal Mask

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Mixed Media

W: 480mm x H: 700mm x D: 5mm
W: 19" x H: 28" x D:

Approx. Weight: 0.5kg

This work is unframed


US$ 454


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John Stander

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About John

John Stander

Having been inactive for some time now, my lovely wife, Hanlo, encouraged me to take up art again.
I have been exposed to art in various forms all my life. My mother, Freda Hayward, was instrumental in developing my talents and has her own web page on this website.
The strong lines and rich colours of Africa are my inspiration. In keeping with strong lines, Arum Lilies are also a favourite subject.Thank you for takeing the time to view my work!

Price Range

US$ 318-454


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