Windmill in Barkley District Windmill in Barkley District Affordable Art 62936
Deidre Howarth - Windmill in Barkley District | Landscape Art Art Painting
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Deidre Howarth - "Windmill in Barkley District"

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"Windmill in Barkley District"

Windmill in Barkley District
Oil on Board, US$ 255

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Windmill in Barkley District

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Oil on Board

W: 600mm x H: 450mm x D: 10mm
W: 24" x H: 18" x D:

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 255


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About "Windmill in Barkley District"

We went on holiday to Barkley East and saw this beautiful scene and my husband took the photo for me to paint eloctrocuting himself at the same time on the electric fence. So there is humour in this scene as well.

Deidre Howarth

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View all 92 works by Deidre Howarth

About Deidre

Deidre Howarth

I am inspired by inner creativity that finds its expression in art. Nature, with its diverse beauty, depth, shades, and colours inspires me to capture this beauty for others to discover it. That one of God's greatest gifts to us is the ability to create has inspired me to paint as an expression of that creativity. I hope to inspire others so that they can discover and express their creativity. When it comes to painting homes, every home has a story to tell and that story always deserves to be told in one form or another as it is only through the stories of others that we discover hope and a way in life.

I was born in Pretoria 31st of January 1970 and grew up there. I always wanted to paint but never had the opportunity to do so. I married Phillip Howarth 10th of April 1993 and we moved to Stutterheim where both my boys Liewelyn and Eugene were born. We then moved to Queenstown where I had the opportunity to attend an art class in 2004, and have never looked back. I have sold paintings to customers all over the world including in England, Austria, Holland, America, and all over South Africa.

Price Range

US$ 59-1,818



Have done more than 50 Exhibitions since 2004 till 2015.

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