Wooden Rowing Boat
Oil on Canvas,
Wooden Rowing Boat
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Oil on Canvas
W: 400mm x H: 300mm
W: 16" x H: 12"
Approx. Weight: 0.95kg
This work is
US$ 95
About "Wooden Rowing Boat"
Johan Gresse captures a tranquil, serene and peaceful scene of a wooden rowing boat floating on a stream of water reflecting the dappled clouds in the sky. The reeds along the water's edge form a protective cocoon for the boat and stream. Johan Gresse experienced a deep soul connection with nature which inspired his life's philosophy and instilled in him a personal calm and stability. In this painting, Johan Gresse reflected a moment in time when nature in its quietness overpowered him to become quiet and truly appreciate harmony with nature.
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About Johann
Drawing and painting have been integral throughout my life for the joy and sense of fulfilment it brings me. My family has always been incredibly supportive, with an aunt gifting me my first oil paints during my primary school years to start my art journey. Initially, I drew human figures in portraits and sports actions of rugby or athletics. I had a keen sense of observation to capture the body, its poses and movement. My high school years intensified my interest in art which I took as a school subject and attended at the home of South African artist Hugo Naude. What a privilege! Today, this home is the Hugo Naude Art Centre, previously managed by the acclaimed artist Jean Welz. My career took me to become an architectural technologist focused on building plans in Pretoria and Cape Town. My creative work took a back seat as I made my career and family relationships with my wife and two daughters. In my mature years, I find my inspiration in nature, painting land- and seascapes. This is expanding to drawing and painting animals. The wonderment of nature truly connects me with my soul and gratitude for our beautiful world. I praise God daily for this richness in my life. I mainly paint in the mediums of pastel, acrylic, and oil. My art journey continues, which I look forward to sharing with you.
Price Range
US$ 95-109
Group exhibition in Pretoria.
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