Riel Dancers
Oil on Canvas,
Riel Dancers
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Oil on Canvas
oil on canvas
W: 1190mm x H: 850mm x D: 30mm
W: 47" x H: 33" x D: 1"
Approx. Weight: 0.75kg
This work is
US$ 310
About "Riel Dancers"
The rieldans originated from the Khoi and San ceremonial dances which took place around a fire. In the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s it was a courting dance. Men would court the women by performing movements that would symbolize an animal, while the women would imitate house tasks like baking bread or washing clothes. Rieldansers are dressed typically in traditional farm workers outfits, the girls in dresses with aprons and old frontier bonnets, and the boys in waistcoats and hats adorned with feathers, finished with the famous, hand-made red veldskoene from Wupperthal
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View all 18 works by Johan Jansen van Vuuren
About Johan
Johan Jansen van Vuuren ( Van Vu Art ) - Passionate about Life Vibrant color finely executed South African acrylic and oil paintings in the finest detail, all are part and parcel of the artwork of Johan van Vuuren. Johan paints a lot for commissions, mainly in oils, but his own works develop as a result of his creative urge. He is sensitive to his environment and that often dictates his subject matter. He grew up in the Northern Cape and moved from Kimberley to Hermanus where he met his wife Linda. His paintings portrayed rural farming scenes beautiful Western Cape mountains and coastal scenery. They moved to the Southern Cape and seascapes and items associated with the sea, like sailing boats and lighthouses began to predominate.
He likes drawing in all mediums. He varies his work and believes that the talent of painting is a blessing from God.
Price Range
US$ 59-319
Various Art markets. Outeniqua Art market
Various Art training lessons
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