Antique Vessels 1
Oil on Canvas,
Antique Vessels 1
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Oil on Canvas
Oil and cold wax on canvas
W: 500mm x H: 600mm x D: 21mm
W: 20" x H: 24" x D: 1"
Approx. Weight: 1kg
This work is
US$ 307
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View all 53 works by Maren Scharein
About Maren
I was born quite a few decades ago in the northernmost part of Germany. My earliest exposure to art was in my young teens when I visited the exhibition of Emil Nolde whose home was very near to my father's ancestral homestead. Nolde's bold motives and colors impressed me already then and I have since added many artists of varying genre and different nationalities to my favorites' list. After leaving school I went to study at an art college (Muthesius Werkschule) in Kiel / Germany, not totally sure into which category of design I belonged. But before I could find out Prince Charming swept me off my feet and we raised a family instead. When I entered my fifties I found myself very dissatisfied with my life and it took me a while to figure out what was missing. When I finally did I was very sure that I wanted to paint generous paintings and wanted to be totally free on the canvas, no tutoring, no guiding or being told how to put a painting together! I wanted to do as I wanted to do! I knew already how to use a brush and mix colors, about proportions and composition and all the other basics and the rest was trial and error! I enjoyed it immensely and I agonized, still do both most of the time! Oil paintings have always been my first love and it always will be, but when I was exposed for the first time to Aboriginal Art I was blown away. Which is what inspired my "dotted" paintings and although I now also do Mixed Media I always come back to an "odd dot" picture just for fun and relaxation as dotting along is very meditative and contemplative. I am hoping that my paintings will express my love for art, color and shape, beauty and nature and people will enjoy it as much as I enjoy the journey."
Price Range
US$ 180-992
Muthesius Werkschule, Kiel, Germany
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