Adele Jordaan | Art Painting | Contemporary Modern Art
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Adele Jordaan

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"Township Scene"
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Township Scene
US$ 454

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US$ 200

"Girl With Flowers"
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Girl With Flowers
US$ 173

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Adele Jordaan

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About Adele

I am inspired by the true happiness and freedom that people sometimes experience in seemingly difficult or sub standard circumstances. The simple things in life that brings true warmth and meaning to life - I have come to realise that less is more and that glamour and posessions sometimes are the reason for people to live unballanced and hurried lives.

Ever wondered why scenes such as donkey carts and fishermans houses, or townships, or old things etc. are such popular themes for artists?
I mean, how often do you see paintings by artists of the newest ultra modern shopping centres?

According to me, the answer lies in our inner yearning to live simpler, less complicated and more peaceful lives.
Most of my works are but feable attempts to catch and display such moments or scenes that we can hang against our walls - to remind us that less is in fact more.
Scenes to remind us that true happiness and freedom is to be found where we have less and less to lose but the love and respect of our loved ones.

I invite you into my world. I hope you will experience some tranquility in one or more of my expressionistic works.
I try to express the beaty of such scenes with bold, unapologetic colours.

Have you caught such a moment / scene in a photograph. I also do commission works.

Price Range

US$ 89-454


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