Hermien Van der Merwe | Modern Art | Online Art Gallery
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Hermien Van der Merwe

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"Fynbos landscape with Aristea"
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Fynbos landscape with Aristea
US$ 2,210

"Pincushion for Table Mountain"
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Pincushion for Table Mountain
US$ 457

"Fynbos I Lino"
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Fynbos I Lino
US$ 548

"Fynbos II Lino"
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Fynbos II Lino
US$ 548

"Two Pincushions"
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Two Pincushions
US$ 1,096

"Fynbos Ink Wash, 'Enough', Protea"
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Fynbos Ink Wash, 'Enough', Protea
US$ 822

"Fynbos Ink Wash, 'Sufficient', Pincushion"
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Fynbos Ink Wash, 'Sufficient', Pincushion
US$ 822

"Fynbos Ink Wash, 'Abundance', Protea"
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Fynbos Ink Wash, 'Abundance', Protea
US$ 822

"Protea monotype, 'Blessed'"
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Protea monotype, 'Blessed'
US$ 822

"Protea monotype, 'Grace'"
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Protea monotype, 'Grace'
US$ 822

"Protea monotype, 'Simplicity'"
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Protea monotype, 'Simplicity'
US$ 822

"Protea monotype, 'Fullness'"
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Protea monotype, 'Fullness'
US$ 822

"Leocadendron 'Blessing'"
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Leocadendron 'Blessing'
US$ 822

"Leocadendron 'Flow'"
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Leocadendron 'Flow'
US$ 822

"Protea Sylvia (with Sea-Blue)"
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Protea Sylvia (with Sea-Blue)
US$ 913

"Protea with Leocadendrons (Sea-Blue)"
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Protea with Leocadendrons (Sea-Blue)
US$ 913

< Previous Page 1 of 12 (188 works) Next >

Hermien Van der Merwe

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About Hermien

Hermien Van der Merwe

I love to use Cape Fynbos as theme in my art. Since I have been living in Cape Town, this focus has intensified for me. Here I am at the center of what a city can offer - but closer to Nature than ever before. The majestic Table Mountain and the blue-green sea are always visible and always beautiful, simultaneously unchanging in their presence and ever-changing their display.
I often walk on the Fynbos- rich mountain paths. I see which flowers open, as the months and seasons change. I smell the field and feel the sea air against my skin. I see the colours of the large salty water mass change - almost by the hour. I pause at interesting leaves and cones - feeling the textures and taking this in with all my senses.
This is probably why the consuming veld fires against Table Mountain, touch me so deeply - flames creeping forward, driven by strong winds. I realize that it is the precious, endangered Fynbos plants that burns - the subject of my art making. Regular rains prevent excessive veld fires and the Fynbos plants are very dependent on this for their survival.
From there the golden thread though my artmaking: Fire and Rain.
While I am making art, I always listen to the still voice within me to search deeper - to find the Spiritual meaning in the subjects I love and to whisper that into my art. As the Fynbos seeds need to be scorched by natural fires from time to time to distribute seeds and ensure new growth in the next season - we also need to be purified by God's fire to become the person that He intended us to be - to flower for Him. And as the Fynbos plants need regular rains, we too need living water to quench our Spiritual thirst.
I work in a large variety of art mediums: Oil paintings; Linotypes; Monotypes; Pen-and-Ink drawings and Mixed media artworks.
I often weave words into my works - sometimes hidden to the naked eye: Thoughts of hope and light.

Price Range

US$ 65-2,466



2005: Solo exhibition: KKNK, Oudtshoorn
2006: Solo exhibition: KKNK, Oudtshoorn
2007: Solo exhibition: KKNK, Oudtshoorn
2008: Group exhibition: The Meul, Philadelphia, Cape Town
2009: Group exhibition: The Meul, Philadelphia, Cape Town
2010: Group exhibition: The Meul, Philadelphia, Cape Town
2012: Group exhibition: Durbanville Arts and Cultural Society
2013: Zivaglo Light Sho: Woordfest, Stellenbosch
2013: New Signatures exhibition: Alice Art Gallery, Johannesburg
2013: Group Exhibition: Durbanville Arts and Cultural Society
2014: Group Exhibition: Rust and Vrede Gallery, Durbanville, The Grand
2014: Solo Exhibition: Rust and Vrede Gallery, Durbanville: Blom waar jy geplant is (Flower where you are sown)
2015: Group Exhibition: ANPA Gallery, Franschhoek: Homer Sapiens
2015: Solo Exhibition: Hermien van der Merwe Gallery, Durbanville
2017: Solo Exhibition: Welgemeend Manor House, Gardens, Cape Town: Composing Art
2018: Solo Exhibition: Welgemeend Manor House, Gardens, Cape Town: Come Fire - Come Rain
2018: Group Exhibition: Welgemeend Art Month: Shifting Boundaries
2018: Group Exhibition: Welgemeend Manor House, Gardens, Cape Town: What we need is here


BPrimEd Art Stellenbosch University

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