Lorne de Villiers | Modern Art | Online Art Gallery
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Lorne de Villiers

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"Blue Room"
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Blue Room
US$ 228

"Eiffel Sky"
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Eiffel Sky
US$ 319

"Exotic Flower"
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Exotic Flower
US$ 273

"Guitar Woman 1"
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Guitar Woman 1
US$ 159

"Guitar Woman 2"
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Guitar Woman 2
US$ 159

"White Room"
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White Room
US$ 228

"100% ZA - OMO Day"
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100% ZA - OMO Day
US$ 182

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Lorne de Villiers

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About Lorne

Lorne de Villiers

To describe a passion is almost impossible. It consumes your being and no matter how you struggle to be something else, if you are an artist by heart you will always return to doing just that.
My love for art came from constantly being surrounded by my parent’s paintings, canvas, macramé, weaving and pottery, as a child.
I could paint before I could write my name.
I ended up studying Bcom but could never stop thinking of all the paintings that I would rather be doing.
For the past 20 years I've been trying to do both. In 2012 I eventually gave up the struggle. With the love and support of my husband and family I am privileged to be able to put all my energy into my paintings and I've been blessed. My paintings have been selling and there is never more than a few finished paintings in my studio available. I am currently also sharing my knowledge with other passionate artist by giving art classes.
Art is the only way I know to perpetually express what I feel and see.
The ultimate compliment anyone can give an artist is to purchase their painting for that is a sure sign that they like the world as seen through your eyes.

Price Range

US$ 159-319


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