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Lynette Barnard

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"Flowers 1"
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Flowers 1
US$ 636

"Flowers 2"
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Flowers 2
US$ 636

"So Many Shades of Grey"
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So Many Shades of Grey
US$ 40,898

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US$ 474

"White Flower, with Soft Shades of Lilac"
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White Flower, with Soft Shades of Lilac
US$ 4,272

"Lady with Hat"
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Lady with Hat
US$ 10,906

"Lady with Hat"
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Lady with Hat
US$ 10,906

"Morther wtih Corn - Moeder Met Koring"
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Morther wtih Corn - Moeder Met Koring
US$ 182

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US$ 1,999

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US$ 909

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US$ 909

"The Old District Six Man"
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The Old District Six Man
US$ 1,818

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US$ 918

"Pomegranate Flowers"
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Pomegranate Flowers
US$ 2,727

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US$ 4,544

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Lynette Barnard

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About Lynette

Lynette Barnard

Lynette Barnard was born on the 21st day of May 1963 in Bloemfontein, the good old capital of the Free State. I matriculated in 1981 at Oranje Meisies Skool and then studied art with ceramic design as my main focus. I got married in 1985 and moved to a farm in the Rustenburg area where I worked as a full time studio potter. I lived there for 14 years and was blessed with two beautiful girls. Jarmila the eldest, born in1991 and Karsia, born in 1993. I was uprooted in 1998 and had to move to Bronkhorstspruit where me and my two girls are staying since then. The beautiful tranquility and rural feeling of this town has become part of me. Working all day with clay the stuff we are all made of captured my spirit and I always knew there was a higher calling on my life than just my ordinary walk on this earth. Surely we are to become vessels of honour for the Master's use . Circumstances brought me to the point where I started my Walk with God in 1988. Although I've been playing with paint all my life, I started to paint more seriously in 1988. I was inspired by the freedom feeling of Father Claerhouts work. I called mine Beginhoute and have been working since then in all media s - acrylic, oil, gold leaf, pastels and oil pastels. To paint is to be in another world, a world where you need to lap into a forth dimension, which I call the store house of God. His already got all the paintings I need to make in store, even the ones in the far future - enjoy the journey with me

Price Range

US$ 67-40,898



During the years I had solo exhibitions all over SA

Haar lewe is soos bome. Sy love bome. Bladwisselende bome meesal. Die meeste daarvan die seisoene wat hierdie bome weerspieel. Sy het twee boom-reuse. Platane. Ouer dan die huis wat in l949 gebou is. .
As die draai van die seisoen 21 Des kom, en jy leef saamit die reuse .......kan jy maar kyk.

Twee weke, hoogstens drie, en die groen is net te groen,
en die blare is net te groot en die
bas klou net te lank.
En ek kyk en weet dit draai.
Asof hulle geroeste water suip. 'n Funny kleur kom le in hulle.........en ek weet die herfs het gekom. afdraendepad.......En wanneer die winter in Bronkhorstspuit kom lê, kom lê hy met 'n krag. Simbolies! In sy majestueuse fanfare, moet die reus sy knie buig tot die seisoen wat God in sy Almag bewerk het.

My kuns is soos die seisoene.
My hart is eerste aan God, en dan die res
Ek sit die een voet voor die ander
Nes die boomreuse

En vanself ontvou 'n seisoen soos God dit goed dink
Wat inspireer my
Wat montiveer my
Wat maak my opgewonde
God se Hand deur my werk
Wanneer sukkel ek
As 'n seisoen draai
Maar dan leef my siel
Wanneer sukkel ek meer
As ek vashou
Aan oorgroot, oorgroeide blare
Watse tyd oor is

Verf laat my lewe
Verf laat my doodgaan
Verf vertel
Verf bly stil
Verf maak my maag vol
Verf is Lewe
God se Hand is die kwas
Die verf lê maar net in hale
Soos hulle val die dag
Hale met mense
Hale met verhale
Oorgroot flambojante onrealistiese
Sonneblomme met lawwe
Buitensporige ritme
Funny pienk kosmosse inni Vrystaat
En die hoëveld paaie
Sonder saad gesaai
Oki natgemaak
Hulle lewe net
Wat soms kom skop teen die prikkels
Van die regte seisoen

Ek sal seker verf tot ek 80 is
Al hoe minder
Al hoe meer hart stuff
Al hoe dieper uit my siel
Al hoe meer van God se Vader hart
Myself verloor in Sy kwashale

aan Lynette die kunswerk
Ek het nie verder te praat nie
Die lewe is vir my heavy ernstig
Ek love die lewe
Ek love my lewe
Bome is lewe
Te verf is lewe
God IS!!!


Studied art 1982-1984 in Bloemfontein

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