Michele Di Blasi | Art Painting | Contemporary Modern Art
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Michele Di Blasi

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Michele Di Blasi

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About Michele

Michele Di Blasi

I was born in the small town of Grammichele in Sicily in a farming community. As it was common in those days, the family moved up north in Italy in search of a better future. The place chosen was Prato, a mere 10 miles from glorious Florence. Growing up in the shadow of Italy's great renaissance artists, I was regularly exposed to the works of art that this city has to show. The schooling received at this time formed a good appreciation of art.[0xD][0xA]In the late teens I moved to South Africa where I embraced a computer career leaving art as a background hobby. In the past few years I rekindled the early talents and am now producing regular works in several mediums such as oil, pastels and water-colour; the preferred medium being oil.[0xD][0xA]The methodology shows great versatility as I have produced works in impressionist and/or realist styles. Subject matter also displays a rich diversity as he has produced works ranging from landscapes, nudes, portraits and a strong tendency for African wild-life. Currently I am pursuing a newly discovered ability to paint in a realist style and I am enjoing it very much. I have also successfuly copied challenging works of art such as the Mona Lisa.

Price Range

US$ 273-727



exhibited with local artists


several (local) art schools

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