Busy in the shed Busy in the shed Affordable Art 19437
Nico Duvenage - Busy in the shed | Portrait Art Modern Art
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Nico Duvenage - "Busy in the shed"

"Busy in the shed"

Busy in the shed
Oil, US$ 593

Busy in the shed

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W: 800mm x H: 950mm
W: 31" x H: 37"

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 593 SOLD


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About "Busy in the shed"

Old man in shed busy getting ready to feed the chickens

Nico Duvenage

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View all 17 works by Nico Duvenage

About Nico

Nico Duvenage

I have been actively painting since 1991. I attended the Pieter Millard school of art for 7 years, studied under Denzel Herring, and since 1998 I have attended various workshops with Anton Benzon.

The way Anton paints (palette knife) intrigued me and since about 1999, it has also dominated my style.

Please note that all paintings displayed here, have been sold or in private collection and are representations of my work and style. If I only have to show unsold works, I will forever be updating this site.

Please feel free to contact me for any queries....

Price Range

US$ 145-593



Various group exhibitions and juried art shows

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