Escaping Lebombo
Escaping Lebombo
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W: 650mm x H: 450mm x D: 150mm
W: 26" x H: 18" x D: 6"
Approx. Weight: 25kg
This work is
US$ 4,024
Kudu 1 of 15
About "Escaping Lebombo"
As an avid hunter of 23 years, I can’t help but respect and admire the object of pursuit in all its grandeur and majesty, and the kudu is such a creature. Always alert, this large and graceful animal can simply vanish in a split second, navigating the choking entanglement of an acacia forest…. without a sound! It was this prowess that inspired “Escaping Lebombo”. The Lebombo Mountains are a true relic… a scar… testament to Antarctica being torn from our shores, and its 250 million years in existence, have left a sheer and treacherous barrier, overpowering its surrounding foothills. It’s along this cycad clad precipice, that this particular kudu made its decent. Each step was potentially fatal yet its majesty and grace was carried with such an articulated finesse… leaving our encounter, brief, yet unforgettable.
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View all 1 works by Brett Neves
About Brett
Born in what was then Rhodesia, in 1977, my entire childhood was literally in the bush and on the banks of the Zambezi. If it wasn[0x1]t elephants eating the thatch off our roof, and drinking out the pool while we were swimming, then it was lion and Hyaena trying to eat their way through the chicken mesh windows of our abode. Moving to Richards Bay on the KZN North Coast in the late [0x1]80[0x1]s... subsequent to the devastation of Tropical Cyclone Demoina, brought a whole new perspective to the [0x1]tame[0x1] south! The town was literally a sweltering, sub-tropical swamp, infested with sharks and crocodiles (in the same bodies of water)... and often, a late night gallivant, would cross paths with a grazing hippo.
The flora and fauna of Africa have had a profound effect on my life and my artistic expression has always depicted it, in whatever medium was at my disposal at that time, from Tempestuous cumuliform in oils, to sketched illustrations in a biographical novel, but it[0x1]s in the dexterity of freeform sculpture that my heart lies.
It was due to this fascination of 3D space, that directed my career path into the digital sector, and into 3D Animation. My entire world was focused around 25 frames per second, and the slightest movement, captured and rendered out graphically, revealing what lay between [0x1]A & B[0x1]. It [0x1]s this snapshot in time, that is the main focus to my expression and the integral part of my sculpture.
Ten years in the industry, came to an abrupt end with the world recession and the chance reconnection to my past, but this time one step further[0x1] to bronze.
Price Range
US$ 4,024-4,024
Digital Graphic Design - 3D Animation
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