Oil on Board,
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Oil on Board
W: 605mm x H: 1210mm x D: 25mm
W: 24" x H: 48" x D: 1"
Approx. Weight: 4.5kg
This work is
US$ 518
About "Eve"
The aim of the portrayal of the happenings in the garden of Eden, is not to show God as a punishing God, but to tell of His love and grace in spite of the unfaithfulness of Adam and Eve.
God loves me like this…
Hos 14:2-5: Take with you words and return to the Lord. Say to Him, Take away all our iniquity: accept what is good and receive us graciously: so will we render as bullocks and pay the confession of our lips. …For in You the fatherless find love, pity, and mercy. I will heal their faithlessness: I will love them freely…
1 John 1:9: If we admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful And just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
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View all 8 works by Magda Vrey
About Magda
Art is part of my everyday existence. Through my Art I thank God everyday for the bounty of beauty and Grace that He provides for us. Everything in creation is something to behold, and it is up to me as an artist, to capture its beauty and essence and to showcase it.
In my artwork I strive to portray the essence of something through the use of symbols and colors.My artworks convey a story or mood of people or places and my goal is to inspire the viewer by touching their souls in one way or another.
Within my Spiritual paintings there are some life changing messages- messages and thoughts that certainly spoke to me, changed my life and through that experience I expressed my inner self so that other people can read, ponder and imagine the meaning of the colors, forms and symbols for themselves.
My inspiration also comes from things like harmony or contrast between colors in nature, the effect of light on an object or landscape, reflections or even textures. I use these simple ideas and try to make it glorious, so that God can be Glorified.
My aim is to learn new things as often as possible. I love to experiment with different media, materials and techniques. I want to make the ordinary, extraordinary by using different elements, and have fun during the process!
I've learned that everything that happens in every day is inspiration for a potential work of art.
Art is part of my life journey and that is why I create with my hands, my head and my heart...
Price Range
US$ 104-754
Solo exhibition at Ceres Art Gallery. Exhibited at "The Olive Festival" in Riebeeck-Kasteel. Exhibited at the Table View Pentecost Exhibition. Exhibited at Thyme Square Coffee shop and Restaurant in Ceres. Exhibited at the offices of the Herald News Paper in Ceres. Some of the Spiritual works are still exhibited in the NG(DR) Church in Table View
BA(Ed) Art
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