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About Paul Pretorius Interiors
Off the main road in Gansbaai, this gallery seems a bit tucked away, but once you've stepped over the threshold you'll find a Pandora's box of artwork, furniture and collectibles, especially downstairs. Feast your eyes on the unbelievable talent of local artists. Something for everyone and most of the artists accept commission works. We also do interior/exterior decorating and landscaping. Directions from Hermanus entrance (R43) : At the second stop in Main Road, turn right, first street left, about halfway to the next stop on your right (opposite White Shark Centre) you'll find us in Dirkie Uys Centre, one of the remaining old buildings in Gansbaai. Ample parking space. (Photo: Anel van der Walt Smit, Paul Pretorius, Micky de Froe)