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12 Works

"Squacco Heron at Lake Panic"
View Large Image Acrylic on Canvas:  W: 300mm x  H: 225mm x  D: 15mm

Squacco Heron at Lake Panic
by Sandra Brown
US$ 81

"The Heron and the Hippo"
View Large Image Oil on Board:  W: 40mm x  H: 30mm

The Heron and the Hippo
by Robert Teeling
US$ 450

"The Heron and the Storm"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 1220mm x  H: 750mm x  D: 20mm

The Heron and the Storm
by Freda Hayward
US$ 423

"Burchell's Zebra"
View Large Image Acrylic on Board:  W: 500mm x  H: 600mm

Burchell's Zebra
by Robert Teeling
US$ 441 397

"Searching the Stream"
View Large Image Oil on Board:  W: 800mm x  H: 2000mm x  D: 50mm

Searching the Stream
by Deidre Brits
US$ 1,621 SOLD

"Goliath Heron"
View Large Image Acrylic on Board:  W: 1200mm x  H: 900mm x  D: 60mm

Goliath Heron
by Michael Souter
US$ 198 SOLD

"Flight of the Heron"
View Large Image Acrylic on Board:  W: 300mm x  H: 200mm x  D: 5mm

Flight of the Heron
by Miranda Schmelzer

"Bushmills Heron Statue"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 255mm x  H: 305mm x  D: 30mm

Bushmills Heron Statue
by Lynda Cookson

View Large Image Print on Canvas:  W: 400mm x  H: 300mm x  D: 40mm

by Philip Carstens
US$ 135 SOLD

"Grey Heron"
View Large Image Acrylic on Canvas:  W: 355mm x  H: 255mm x  D: 10mm

Grey Heron
by Juliet Grey

"Where The Heron Wait Quietly"
View Large Image Acrylic on Canvas:  W: 1400mm x  H: 1400mm x  D: 40mm

Where The Heron Wait Quietly
by Melanie Meyer
US$ 1,081 SOLD

"Purple Heron "
View Large Image Bronze:  W: 430mm x  H: 820mm x  D: 360mm

Purple Heron
by Sarah Richards
US$ 2,972 2,823 SOLD