Lavender garden Lavender garden Affordable Art 37604
Gert Vermeulen - Lavender garden | Landscape Art Art Painting
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Gert Vermeulen - "Lavender garden"

"Lavender garden"

Lavender garden
Acrylic on Canvas, US$ 228

Lavender garden

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Acrylic on Canvas

W: 600mm x H: 840mm x D: 50mm
W: 24" x H: 33" x D: 2"

Approx. Weight: 2.2kg

This work is unframed


US$ 228


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About "Lavender garden"

The tree was inspired by artist Gregoire Boonzaier ,the house by the beautiful houses in Cape Town with lavender flowers that creates a tranquil feeling when looking at it.

Gert Vermeulen

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View all 5 works by Gert Vermeulen

About Gert

I am inspired by combinations of colour, light and shade and the emotions and moods it creates. I enjoy what I do and hope other people will experience the same joy when looking at the art work.
I have been using photography for the past 30 years to try and express the images in my head and started 3 years ago using canvas and paint to expand and transform some of these images.
I enjoy it to add elements together that normally don’t belong together in a picture. These elements are normally there for a reason, reflecting inner feelings and philosophies of life.

Price Range

US$ 92-374



Group Exhibitions in the Pretoria Art Museum(Centurion Branch)

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