Namaqualand: Seascape With Spring Flowers Namaqualand: Seascape With Spring Flowers Affordable Art 5819
Susan Ford - Namaqualand: Seascape With Spring Flowers | Contemporary Art
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Susan Ford - "Namaqualand: Seascape With Spring Flowers"

"Namaqualand: Seascape With Spring Flowers"

Namaqualand: Seascape With Spring Flowers
Mixed Media, US$ 75

Namaqualand: Seascape With Spring Flowers

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Mixed Media

W: 310mm x H: 410mm
W: 12" x H: 16"

This work is unframed




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Susan Ford

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About Susan

Susan Ford

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Born 1933 Windhoek Namibia. Took Art at Kimberley Girls' High School as matric subject.

1957. Oil painting lessons with Prof. Otto Klar in Pretoria. Married and moved to Birchleigh. Marriage failed & returned to Pta.
Gave all my attention to the raising of two young sons & earning our keep by doing fashion design.
I did not touch a brush or pencil until 1983 when Ines Aab Tamsen became my mentor. It was a turning point in my life! I had just turned 50 and wished the days away for my Friday art lesson day to arrive. My life did not begin at forty, it began at fifty ! Ines opened my eyes and ears to all the different mediums that I had only heard about. Pastels, watercolours, gouache, and acrylics. Drawing and painting from life, figure drawing, monotype, mixed media. I have been on several painting holidays and weekends and still attend every art exhibition possible to see how others approach and see art. I gain knowledge from art books and Photostat information from the marvelous books in the Pretoria Reference Library and save it.

1988 - 1994 Chairperson of the Northern Transvaal Branch of the Watercolours Society of South Africa. Arranged and attended many painting get togethers, paint outs, workshops and symposiums. Joined the members at Johannesburg and other branches too. Participated in numerous group exhibitions.

I have worked in different mediums and experiment continuously. According to the records I am an elderly lady, but I am still a young artist as there is so much to learn and discover. When you enjoy the camaraderie of fellow artists you are never lonely or depressed. I do not have a lot of money but I consider myself a wealthy person. I am truly grateful possessing this talent. To quote Edgar Whitney, a renowned American watercolours & art teacher, " no talent can survive the blight of neglect " and also " the discipline endured is the mastery achieved."
PREFERRED SUBJECTS : All sorts of Landscapes ( favouring Namibia & the Karoo ) Seascapes, Still Life, Trees, Leaves, Flowers, Flowers in Landscape like Namaqualand and " Cheerio's " cherry blossoms and azaleas at Magoebaskloof. Figure studies. Pen & Ink drawing.

Namaqualand is truly my favourite subject to paint. There is so much beauty around. From the mountains and rocks to the sweeps of glorious diverse colour ! On one side the sea and further inland the garden of the Gods, to quote Freeman Patterson, the Canadian photographer who shares my love for that part of the world. The people who have been there will know what I am talking about.

Price Range

US$ 52-213



1986 & 1987 Attended art courses by George Boys and Dale Elliott.

1988 First solo exhibition at a private venue.

1993 Took part in a group exhibition At UNISA Art Gallery by invited artists who lived in & around Pretoria. More than 300 works were exhibited.

1994 LANTERN ( May edition ) published 20 of abovementioned works. A watercolour done in situ at the Botanical Gardens by myself was the only watercolour published in full colour.

1995 Second solo exhibition at Café Palette next to Pretoria Art Museum. The exhibitions at this venue were held to help raise funds for the Friends of the Pretoria Art Museum.


Private Tuition

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