Pineapples Pineapples Affordable Art 70611
Vanessa Carosini - Pineapples | Contemporary Art Art Painting
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Vanessa Carosini - "Pineapples"


Oil on Canvas, US$ 657


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Oil on Canvas

W: 1830mm x H: 910mm x D: 50mm
W: 72" x H: 36" x D: 2"

This work is unframed


US$ 657


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About "Pineapples"

The work consists of three paintings each 610mm x910mm x 50mm each painted on its own canvas.

Vanessa Carosini

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View all 7 works by Vanessa Carosini

About Vanessa

Vanessa Carosini

EDUCATION: Matriculated- St.Dominic's Convent with distinction in art.
National Diploma in Graphic Design.
Diploma Fashion Design- Gordon Flack-Davidson Academy of Design.

"As a child she was always drawing or painting". Born in the small town of Chingola, Zambia, and growing up in Benoni, Vanessa's creative passion started at an early age. Excelling in art, this later developed into a creative whirl wind of careers. With a degree in Graphic Design, she dipped her brush into many pots. She worked in advertising for a few years and later moved to a Graphic Design Studio. Her insatiable passion and creativity though soon had her on the move again and she later shifted her focus to Fashion Design. Carosini Collections, her namesake clothing brand was the result of the dedication of 2 years part time studying. The label created couture garments that were designed and manufactured by her. The success of this lead to an expansion into Menswear.

After moving to Cape Town in 1998 she was eventually able to follow her true passion, painting. It has only been in the last few years that she has managed to paint full time from her studio at home. "Working mainly in oils I prefer painting on a large scale. Working very much in the moment, I just allow the process to take over. For me the most exciting areas of a painting are the unexpected or the unpredictable ones, where something has been created without my control. I often think I know what I want or where I'm going with a work and then end up in another place entirely.

Price Range

US$ 547-876


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