Poetry in Motion
Poetry in Motion
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W: 1000mm x H: 600mm x D: 25mm
W: 39" x H: 24" x D: 1"
Approx. Weight: 1kg
This work is
US$ 67
About "Poetry in Motion"
As the low light caresses the trees and the shadows begin to relax into the dusk, it starts to feel like the scorched beauty of the Africa sighs with relief after spending another day gasping in the sweltering, merciless midday heat. This picture shows three elephants moving off in almost perfect formation to have a dust bath after a refreshing drink at Ngweshla pan , and then on into the teak forests and amongst the Camel thorns constantly searching for food in the cooler temperature These pans have provided refreshment for countless generations of elephants over the years. They beckon as a meeting place for these contemplative giants. Compacted earth and the soft carpet of dung around the pans create an aura nothing less than spiritual, a place where worship can only be soulful. This is Africa! A harsh paradise of natural beauty ,where the majestic elephants and their natural environment have become the subjects of myth. Their legends swirl through Africa, floating through the imaginations of generations, weaving a tapestry of Africa that fits snugly over the shoulders of those who stop to contemplate. The heat, the dust, the different aromas of memories of elephants and the sound of the wind gently soothing the aged branches of the trees - these will stay with me forever. This image , a snapshot of life which portrays a silence and a gentle purpose to life , that we as a species have now in most cases lost in our rush to material wealth. Of the many thousands of photographs I have taken , this is one of the successes it says so much , in such a quiet way , and it is so typical of this wonderful Africa !
We are truly wealthy in a way that most of the world will never know , Our wealth is the wild and its example to us - unlike great chests of gold sovereigns that eventually end , our wealth will always be here , we just have to recognize it in that little space of time we have here , because once you have - your soul will change for ever Will Maberly
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About Will
There is something about Africa that catches us all for me its the harsh beauty and reality of it all ,there is a special energy that exists here , its tough , and wild like it should be . Growing up on a farm here had its benefits , my father was a PH in the early days in Tanganyka , so we grew up amongst the animals and were enthralled by the tales of Africa , the legends ,the myths and above all that special energy that Africa invokes in us all . My Uncle was well known Artist ,author and illustrator Astley Maberly , who wrote books such as Animals of East Africa ,Animals of Southern Rhodesia ,illustrating books such as TV Bulpins the Ivory Trail and Memories Of a Game Ranger by Harry Wolhutter etc , his ability to bring to life on paper with some lines of ink always fascinated me , and perhaps molded my future Art has been truly rewarding for me , giving me perspective -in fact Life is very like a painting , in a painting, we form an end result in our mind, we may even sketch it but how we get there with the brushstrokes, the blends of color, the textures and the directions of the strokes are what forms our ultimate piece So to does everything we do in life, the way we behave, what we say, the way we make people feel - like the blends of color, and strokes of different sizes of brush we become what we are! We are perhaps the artist of our own lives!
My passion for Elephants amongst other species goes back as far as I can remember , perhaps from the stories of old tuskers on the slopes of Kilimanjaro and the Selous - their intelligence as a species and the deep sense of knowing they portray , has led me to often refer to them as old souls . My love for these creatures is what started me sketching and then painting ,and yet its the incredible symbiosis that is nature that has been my inspiration that feeling of intelligent energy that overwhelms me in the presence of this magnificence . Behind each Painting there is a life a story about that special connection , the heightening of the senses and the realization that we are undeniably a part of a higher more organized order I found that , whilst I loved sketching , Oils became my medium of choice as I am able to more accurately represent the deep colors of Africa , Oil paint can have a unique texture that allows the artist to push the boundaries of the norm there are always new ideas and techniques as a medium I find it open ended and that's why I use them , especially on large Canvas there is nothing more impacting than a large Canvas of Africa ! Soon if we ignore the plight of Africa this will exist no longer , the rate of organized poaching is accelerating , Unbelievably there will be no Elephants to speak of soon !I see that each one of us can impact on the future of the wild areas of Africa the drums are beating , and its time to listen
Price Range
US$ 67-8,211
Salzburg Harare Private commissions
Self Taught
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