Shining Tree of a Family (series Shining Tree of a Family (series Affordable Art 21708
Abe Parker - Shining Tree of a Family (series | Abstract Art Original Art
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Abe Parker - "Shining Tree of a Family (series"

"Shining Tree of a Family (series"

Shining Tree of a Family (series
Mixed Media, US$ 411

Shining Tree of a Family (series

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Mixed Media

W: 350mm x H: 500mm
W: 14" x H: 20"

Approx. Weight: 0.5kg

This work is unframed


US$ 411


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About "Shining Tree of a Family (series"

"The Shining Tree of Family" (from the series of spiritual paintings "Family"

These paintings respresent the spiritual birth of a new family.
The unity of husband and wife: how they come to know each other: gradually, just like branches their energy and affection is being waved one into another.

When two souls merge into one, a new magnificent and shininf tree of family is being born.
Still, none of these two souls didn’t loose its exceptionality, its colour, its unique colour, but they became a one – one powerful tree. As in a true marriage husband and wife possess timeless unity.
This golden tree of family similar to the sun, lid everything around him.
The crown of a tree is filled with woman’s and man’s roots.
They gave him life and with their warmness kindled in him the light of Divine Love.

Abe Parker

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View all 27 works by Abe Parker

About Abe

Abe Parker

I am representing of abstract, healing and spiritual artwork of M.Skrebtsova

Price Range

US$ 95-912


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