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About Nicolene
(1962 - 2016) Nicolene Swanepoel has a Bachelors degree in fine arts (majors painting and printmaking), as well as a Bachelors of Veterinary Science.
She has exhibited extensively in South Africa, as well as in Europe and the USA. She won in an international competition for small graphic works in France in 1994 (the Triennial Mondiale d'Estampes Petit Format"), one of 17 prizes awarded to a total of 830 artists from 80 countries. In 1997 she won an award in the 10th Annual Exhibition on Animals in Art, hosted in Louisiana.
Her imagery centers around human and animal figures filled with an abundance of life force
Price Range
US$ 40-40
1984: New Signatures, Pretoria. 1985: Women's Festival of Arts, Johannesburg. 1986: 2 Person exhibition with photographer, Francois Swanepoel, Pretoria. 1987: Atelier exhibition, South African Arts Association, Pretoria. 1988: 4 Person exhibition, Pretoria. 1990: 4 Woman exhibition, Johannesburg. 1992: Pretoria Art Museum: "Three Decades of Pretoria Artists". 1993: London, Two person exhibition with ceramicist André Hess South Africa House. Six month sojourn at the Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France. 1994: Paris, Exhibition of 50 paintings at the Cité Internationale Des Arts. Won an award in an international graphic art exhibition, the "Trienalle Mondiale D'estampes Petit Format". 1996: "Space to Breathe" World Environment Day Exhibition, Pretoria Art Museum, 1997: Two paintings exhibited during April at the Tenth annual exhibition "Animals in Art", Louisiana State University, USA. One won the JAVMA-award, and was published on the cover of The Journal of the Veterinary Medical Association. Award-winning graphics exhibition (40 serigraphs) in Volvic, France, November 1997. This exhibition toured France until 1999. 1998: Group exhibition: "The spirit and images of Africa", Pretoria. Group exhibition, Stellenbosch Prague, International exhibition "Pets and People", (photograph). 1999: South African Graphic Art, University of Pretoria "Old Art Gallery". South African Graphic Art Guild, Pretoria International Biennial of small format print Leskovac, Yugoslavia. 2000: Several group exhibitions, including one touring Canada. 2001: July 2001. Four works exhibited at an exhibition on horses in art, "Equus", at the South African Arts Association, Pretoria.
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