André D Jansen van Vuuren | Fine Art | Affordable Original Art
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André D Jansen van Vuuren

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"Discus Thrower"
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Discus Thrower
US$ 818

"Leopard & Cub"
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Leopard & Cub
US$ 2,272

"Lion in Long Grass"
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Lion in Long Grass
US$ 2,272

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US$ 4,090

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André D Jansen van Vuuren

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About André D

AD Jansen van Vuuren was born in the North West Province Town of Klerksdorp. He has had no formal art training and give God all the honour for his talent. He worked as Area Manager in the Retail Music Industry, confining his art to his spare time. He embarked on a professional career as artist in 1994.

His fine-art works in oil and pencil are exceptional. His work includes portraits, animal and nature studies. His portraits, be they animal or human, are always realistic, honest and true to character. He seldom mixes colours, instead he paints thin layers of colour over each other, letting them blend through each other. Although a time consuming process, this method gives his work an uncanny translucent three dimensional effect. This and a combination of exceptional light, shade and crisp colours, make his work stand out.

His work also includes portraits of prominent people such as former President Nelson Mandela. A portrait of President Nelson Mandela from a photograph by Mr. Jurgen Schadeberg was also acquired by the African Merchant Bank. He has also had the honour of having his work presented as Official State Gifts to Heads of State by President Nelson Mandela on his Official State visits. These include; the Presidents of Hungary and Pakistan.

He worked mainly on a commission bases. Andreas Daniel Jansen van Vuuren died on 20 February 2010 after being sick in Intensive Care for three months. A limited amount of his work has become available to the public. Contact person is his wife Roselle Jansen van Vuuren.

Price Range

US$ 818-4,090


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