Cilla Meintjes | Fine Art | Affordable Original Art
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Cilla Meintjes

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US$ 457

"Farm Stall Loxton"
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Farm Stall Loxton
US$ 365

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US$ 137

"Symphony of the Sea 2"
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Symphony of the Sea 2
US$ 183

"Ode to Joy"
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Ode to Joy
US$ 548

"Double Joy"
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Double Joy
US$ 548

"Symphony of the Sea 1"
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Symphony of the Sea 1
US$ 183

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Cilla Meintjes

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About Cilla

Cilla Meintjes

There is no logic as the artist needs to create to breath, it is like air. However, should a person feel the urge to learn to create, it is most definitely a teachable skill. It is as much a skill as learning to write when you were a child. The difference will be whether the art produced will have "soul". A parent will think a child needs to dance and do ballet, while the child might go along and come to believe that, even excel in it, yet never really enjoy it. It is driven by a NEED greater than yourself which allows you to create... which make you get up in the middle of the night with the urge to bring to the canvas the vision you see, or write the music you hear, or tell the story which is spinning in your head faster than you can write or paint. Logic only comes to play if the path is plotted and planned, i.e., a skill. A little bit of madness, or quite a bit of madness is sometimes required to be able to surpass Logic and control. What fun to be able to just be and go where the paint, ink, music takes you. To all who enjoy the process, be blessed as it is a gift. Being a self-taught artist, I did not feel confident enough to exhibit till I was bullied into it at age 27 with well-known artists. I did not do too badly and sold a few paintings, much to my excitement. I later went solo and exhibited again at the age of 36, with a lot more confidence. I realized that I did not enjoy painting from a photograph or a set model which I found restricting and boring, but enjoyed painting from my heart that which I felt and experienced, be it joy, sadness, despair etc. Art became my therapy and my direct communication line with God. My art by no means belong to me, so I paint as and when my Father God leads me.
I once read an interesting article about Art and Logic, it seems that you need to have Logic to be able to be creative. an on the outside vote on this one as I have always felt that Logic stifles all creativity. With Art you can only be in control to a point, then it controls you. If you stay in control, you will produce a fantastic painting, very much like a photograph, people will look, see, enjoy briefly, and move on. Emotional Art however will move you and make you linger and enjoy the painting every time you pass it. The joy you experience when seeing something new every time will never stop. When viewing art, the viewer will always linger at the painting that evokes an emotion and resonates with the soul of the artist. The viewer will always wonder what it is in a painting that made him want it so badly. The best Persian carpets are woven with an imperfection, so that all who weave the carpets give honor to the Creator and bow down to the knowledge that we can never obtain perfection.
Fortunately...we are all entitled to our opinions. The process though, and I speak only for myself, is summed up by the following quote: "The artist produces for the liberation of his soul. It is his nature to create as it is the nature of water to run down the hill" (W. Somerset Maugham).

My goal has now become my passion to a self-sustainable lifestyle but one that will also bring glory to God through my art.

People who need emotional healing take part in the Wellness Therapy using Art mediums. Please contact me regarding the Wellness Therapy sessions.


For by grace, you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9, NKJV

Price Range

US$ 137-639



Now only at private Gallery - Ruby Rembrandt Gallery on the premises of Artist's Retreat Wellness


Art lessons through various Artists, but mostly self taught.

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