Janie Mühr | Contemporary Art | Outstanding Art at Affordable Prices
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Janie Mühr

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"Far Away"
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Far Away
US$ 225

"A Peaceful Place"
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A Peaceful Place
US$ 518

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Janie Mühr

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About Janie

Janie Mühr

Growing up in the late 80's in a small town brought many adventures outdoors without technology. Vast sceneries and exploring vacant areas has been a big part of my childhood with plenty of time to observe. It was the best memories and also easier times to live in.

Drawing started early and before I knew it, I could draw what I saw. My parent's have been a great support & enrolled me into an art class early as a youngster where I explored different mediums for children.

As a teenager, I was very fortunate to study under Valerie Maggs. She was an old soul with brilliant teaching methods. She allowed me to dive into the deep end and I started my 1st realistic landscape. My artwork was rich in detail and already at an advanced level. A year later, Valerie Maggs allowed me to start assisting in her art classes and offering my knowledge to both young and old members in her studio.

I decided to study Graphic Design in the hope to use both skills together.
My career became too busy and opportunities to paint became few and far apart.

In 2019 I started painting and realised my painting skills grew passively through using Photoshop and other methods.

My passion for creation is a on going love. If you admire fine details in art, there is defnitely plenty to see here. Detail and blending is one of my strong abilities along with persistence & patience to want to get it just right - A bit of a perfectionist.

When it comes to painting, I push for the "wow" factor in all elements. I wish you to feel like you want to be in that moment or in the painting, part of my creation & loosing yourself, calm & surrounded by beauty and completely in love or even just breathless. If I achieved that, then I am thrilled, really.

I am still doing graphic design, but I wish to pursue my art and have a chance to explore other subject matters too with some hard work and sacrifices.

I wish you to be part of my journey to grow my skills and see how I develope this advanced, yet raw ability.

I can't wait to see what I do next! I hope you will become just as excited.

Price Range

US$ 225-518



Practical art Exibition moderated by KZN art subject supervisor Janie van Heerden.
Tatham Art Gallery Exhibition 19 May - 3 July 2005.


Art private classes 5yrs & Graphic Design (DUT)

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