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Images created in Photoshop via computer
W: 800mm x H: 600mm x D: 1mm
W: 31" x H: 24" x D:
Approx. Weight: 0kg
This work is
US$ 124
About "Divinity"
My Digital Paintings are high resolution PNG format, 16Bit images ranging from 10MB up to 200MB each in size, and in brilliant, vivid colours - which will make excellent quality enlargement prints on canvas or pearl/glossy photographic paper.
I am always inspired by colours, textures, shapes, nature and the positive psychological emotional effect it has on people, so I want other people to enjoy the beauty and share in the inspiring & soothing effects my art has on the emotional human beings we are. They don't just catch your eye, they catch your whole being. Hanging one in a high stress invironment might have a soothing, calming effect and even increase coping mechanisms, much like a fish aquarium does.
Beautiful modern Abstract Art with a Psychological twist: Infused with Color Therapy, combined with shapes and textures, which evoke positive and enjoyable feelings and emotions. Ideal for any home, and especially for the waiting-rooms of doctors, alternative therapies and private hospitals where calming, soothing, comforting atmospheres are necessary.
My digital art contain Warm elements - bright, stimulating, energetic, cheerful etc.; Cool elements - relaxing, focusing, peaceful, productiveness etc. and Neutral elements authoritive, reliableness, timeless, stability etc. I am a professionally trained artist with three degrees in Human Science. All my artwork contain colorful and beneficial Psychologically stimulating elements, which are proven to positively stimulate mood and well-being. Beautiful to observe, as well as positively effective and practical to enhance the psyche of patients, clients and personnel, yet enjoyably subtle, subliminal and subconscious.
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View all 82 works by Adrian E Reyneke
About Adrian E
My Digital Paintings are high resolution PNG format, 16Bit images ranging from 10MB up to 200MB each in size, and in brilliant, vivid colours - which will make excellent quality enlargement prints on canvas or pearl/glossy photographic paper. The abstract digital paintings can either be e-mailed or sent to the client on a high quality CD. The option of having images blocked on canvas is a future possibility, I will keep you updated on this.
I was a teacher, but am now disabled, unemployable & trying to survive. I taught myself Arts & Crafts, Digital Graphic Design & learned Digital Photography in an attempt to support myself in spite of my disabilities. It is a bonus that I can manage this work most of the time & enjoy being creative, which keep me from dwelling on my dire situation.
If I can also manage to support myself financially in this small way, it would be a blessing. So, feel free to browse my humble digital abstract paintings, and see if their is anything that appeal to you.
Creativity came to me late in life. I grew up in an intellectual and scientific family, and at school creativity was not encouraged either. After school I chose to study photography and later psychology. Both of these stimulated my creativity, but slowly and gently. I started doing simple things like arts & crafts, and of course, photography. It was just for fun at first, but it started functioning as therapy, and soon I needed to be creative every day or I would become frustrated. Soon I started widening my scope from arts & crafts, jewellery design and photography to graphic and digital art. The psychological effects of color, shapes, textures combined into art, on people has also interested me for a long time. So I decided to combine color, shape & texture therapy and abstract digital art. People loved it and suggested I sell my art so others can also enjoy & benefit from it.
The wonders of Nature inspire me every day.
Price Range
US$ 124-124
3 Degrees in Human Sciences, Photography, Hypnotherapy
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